, pub-1441815338567797, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Walnut brownies - Medio Blog

Walnut brownies


  • 100 g of cooking chocolate
  • 200 g sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 100 g flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon
  • 125 gr butter / margarine
  • salt
  • 100 g coarsely chopped walnuts
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • Material spreader:
  • 100 g of powdered sugar
  • 75 g butter / margarine
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • all ingredients together until smooth whipped

Decoration materials:

  • whipped cream to taste
  • cooking chocolate sliced


  1. the butter / margarine and cooking chocolate into one container
  2. the team until all ingredients are melted, remove from the heat and set aside
  3. whisk sugar and egg until the rise
  4. enter flour
  5. enter the melted chocolate, salt, walnuts, vanilla, and stir until smooth
  6. prepared baking sheet 4 x 20 x 20 Cover with baking paper, spread butter and sprinkle flour
  7. Pour the mixture into the pan

  1. bake in a hot oven at 180 degrees C for 5 minutes
  2. after being cooked, remove and let cool
  3. rub the surface with a material spreader
  4. cut cake
  5. the surface of each piece of the pie garnished with whipped cream to taste

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