, pub-1441815338567797, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 "Kulich" Russian Easter cake recipes - Medio Blog

"Kulich" Russian Easter cake recipes


  •     75 margarine / butter
  •     100 g sugar
  •     2 egg yolks
  •     400 g flour
  •     1 tablespoon pressed fermipan
  •     1/2 tsp salt
  •     250 cc of milk
  •     50 g raisins cut
  •     1 tbsp chopped cashews
  •     2 tablespoons brandy rhum
  •     1 egg yolk
  •     1 tablespoon water


  •     100 g of powdered sugar
  •     3-4 tbsp milk

how to make:  

  1. whipped margarine / butter and sugar until white and enter the egg yolks, stir the flour and then enter into it little by little.  
  2. add fermipan and salt.knead, pouring the milk slowly. 
  3. after the dough is smooth (not sticky to the touch) put raisins, cashews, sukade that are mixed with rhum brandy for 15 minutes.
  4. rounded dough then cover with a damp cloth for 1 hour until the dough 2x larger than the original,  and divide the dough into 3 parts.
  5. enter each of the batter into a mold that has been buttered up to 2/3 full. let stand for 1 hour in order to expand.  
  6. then spread the surface with a mixture of egg yolks and margarine. bake in oven for 45 minutes at 180 degrees C heat and lift it.
  7. meanwhile make the glaze: mix sugar and milk. after the dough is smooth and slick quickly spread to the upper surface of the bread.

for 3 pieces

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