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recipe nogosari

recipe nogosari



  •     175 g rice flour
  •     25 g of starch
  •     100 g sugar
  •     1/2 teaspoon salt
  •     1 teaspoon vanilla
  •     500 cc coconut milk from 1 coconut
  •     2 pieces of pandan leaves tied
  •     bebrapa plantains are old and mature
  •     banana leaves to wrap

How to make:
  1.     mix rice flour, starch, sugar, salt and vanilla together
  2.     pour the coconut milk and stir until smooth
  3.     enter the pandan leaf and cook over the fire
  4.     stir until dough is half cooked and thickened, remove from heat
  5.     peeled banana, if too large chopped banana leaves and the appropriate size of the cake will be made
  6.     take a piece of banana leaf, put 2-3 tablespoons of dough on top
  7.     put a banana on top
  8.     then cover with the dough so that the banana is situated in the middle
  9.     leaf roll, folding the ends such that the dough does not come out when steamed
  10.     steam for 45 minutes until fully cooked
  11.     lift and trim the leaves while hot
  12.     after the end of the cold cut dau bananas and serve

for 10 pieces

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